What is Telangiectasia (red blood)?

1. What is telangiectasia?

Telangiectasia, also known as red blood, spider web-like vein expansion, refers to the dilated small veins on the skin surface, often appearing in the legs, face, upper limbs, chest wall and other parts, most of the telangiectasias have no obvious uncomfortable symptoms , The more troublesome is the appearance problem, so it often brings obvious distress, especially for women, which will affect personal self-confidence and lifestyle to a certain extent.

2. What conditions can lead to telangiectasia?

(1) Congenital factors

(2) Frequent sun exposure

(3) Pregnancy

(4) Drug intake that dilates blood vessels

(5) Excessive consumption of alcohol

(6) Skin trauma

(7) Surgical incision

(8) Acne

(9) Long-term oral or topical hormonal drugs

(10) The elderly are also prone to telangiectasia due to poor vascular elasticity

(11) In addition, hormonal changes such as menopause and birth control pills can also cause telangiectasia.

Telangiectasia may also occur in some diseases, such as ataxia, Bloom syndrome, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, KT syndrome, rosacea, spider web hemangioma, pigmented xeroderma, Some liver diseases, connective tissue diseases, lupus, scleroderma, etc.

The vast majority of telangiectasias do not have a specific cause, but only appear after fair skin, aging, or changes in hormone levels. A small number of telangiectasias are caused by special diseases.

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3. What are the symptoms of telangiectasia?

Most telangiectasias are asymptomatic, however, they sometimes bleed, which can have serious consequences if the bleeding is in the brain or spinal cord.

Lower extremity telangiectasia may be an early manifestation of venous insufficiency. Studies have shown that patients with lower extremity telangiectasia have higher perforating venous valve insufficiency, which means that they are more prone to varicose veins, obesity and overweight. The crowd probability will be higher.

A small number of more sensitive people may experience local itching and pain. The telangiectasias that occur in the face can cause facial redness, which can affect appearance and self-confidence.

MEICET skin analyzer can be used to detect facial telangiectasia (redness) problem clearly with the help of cross-polarized light and AI algorithm.

Redness Red Blood Telangiectasia MEICET skin analyzer

Post time: Mar-23-2022