What is a stain?

Color spots refer to the phenomenon of significant color differences in skin areas caused by pigmentation or depigmentation on the surface of the skin. Color spots can be divided into different types, including freckles, sunburn, chloasma, etc. The causes of its formation are complex and may be related to factors such as sun exposure, endocrine disorders, and genetics. Stains can affect the overall color of the skin, have a certain impact on improving appearance, and in severe cases, can affect personal image and mental health. Therefore, the treatment and prevention of color spots are particularly important. Color spots can be classified based on their causes of formation and appearance characteristics.

The color of color spots can be measured by instruments,like skin analyzer. For deep potential stains, early detection and treatment can also be carried out.

Skin Analyzer D8 (2)

The following are several common classification methods:

1. Melanin pigmented spots: Pigments settle on the skin due to excessive or abnormal activity of melanocytes, such as nevi, sunburns, dark circles under the eyes, etc.

2. Vascular plaques: Abnormalities in the blood vessels that transport blood, such as pigmented nevi, capillary hemangiomas, etc., caused by vascular dilation or endothelial cell abnormalities.

Depigmentation pigmentation: A condition in which the skin loses color due to the gradual death of pigment cells or pigmentation, such as vitiligo and discoloration spots.

Drug induced pigmentation: Due to the side effects of certain drugs, the skin may experience pigmentation or depigmentation, such as antibiotics, hormones, etc.

Other: There are also some rare color spots, such as youth spots, melasma, etc.

For different types of pigmentation, the treatment methods may also vary, so it is important to accurately understand the type of pigmentation.

Post time: Apr-20-2023