Skin problems: Dry and Peeling

The Dry Skin Symptoms

If the skin is dry, it just feels tight, rough to the touch, and lacks a good luster on the outside. In severe cases, it may cause skin itching, especially in dry winters. This situation is very common, especially for the elderly in the north. The incidence rate is very high, and the skin is dry, the barrier function of the skin will be damaged, and it will become sensitive to external stimuli. Therefore, patients are prone to skin diseases such as skin eczema. For example, patients with dry facial skin are prone to facial dermatitis, pigmented diseases, and long spots.

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Causes of dry skin

1. Congenital: It is dry skin itself, and the skin is naturally dry. (It is necessary to add enough moisture to the skin in time from oneself, and insist on moisturizing the skin well)

2. Age: With age, the skin begins to age, its moisturizing effect and barrier function gradually weaken, and the content of natural moisturizing factors decreases, which reduces the water content of the stratum corneum of the skin, resulting in dry skin and even peeling.
3. Skin lesions: some skin diseases such as psoriasis, ichthyosis and other lesions are most likely to cause skin peeling. (It is recommended to actively treat skin diseases to avoid aggravation)
4. Climate and environment: Dry and cold climate makes the humidity in the environment low, such as autumn and winter, which is the most important external factor for dry and peeling skin; people use washing powder, soap, detergent and other detergents and alcohol for a long time Organic solvents make human skin suffer from chemical factors; long-term air-conditioned environment also reduces the skin’s own humidity and becomes dry.

Characteristics of dry skin

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1. Thin stratum corneum, too little facial oil secretion, resulting in too little stratum corneum accumulated on the skin surface, thinning stratum corneum, dryness and peeling

2. Pores are generally small, lack of water, lack of oil, lack of luster, poor elasticity, more fine lines, more brittle skin, fairer complexion, prone to wrinkles and spots.
3. People with poor skin resistance, dry and peeling skin, and thin cuticle are more prone to aging.
Dry skin troubles

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1. Dry skin can lead to peeling: peeling is a common phenomenon. There are many skin diseases that may cause peeling, and dry skin is also one of the reasons. When the skin loses moisture, the epidermal cells are like over-dried paper, and the edges tend to curl up, causing peeling problems.
2. Dry skin can cause skin itching: When the skin is dry and the skin is in a relatively sensitive state, the skin will feel itchy when it is stimulated. Skin itching is quite common in winter.
3. Dry skin can cause redness and allergies: When the season changes, the skin often loses its “direction” suddenly due to sudden changes in climate or the inability of pollutants in the air to disperse, resulting in redness and allergies.
4. Dry skin will cause enlarged pores: When the weather is hot and high, people often complain that the pores are so large that they eat all the powder on the face. After the weather turns cold, the pores of the skin appear enlarged. This is a signal that the skin needs to be refueled , Just like a car sometimes needs to be oiled to help improve performance, adding special conditioning oil to the skin at this time can help the skin improve pores and blackheads.
5. Wrinkles: The result of dry skin is wrinkles on the face. Dry skin will cause water shortage in the surrounding tissues. Many people will use refreshing products, resulting in drier and drier faces. Wrinkles are becoming more and more obvious, so in daily maintenance, you should use high moisturizing skin care products to replenish water.
6. Unsuitable make-up: Because the skin is in a state of water shortage for a long time, the sebaceous glands in the skin will secrete oil. At that time, the pores will be enlarged by the oil, and the cosmetics will fall off if there is too much oil secretion.

Post time: Feb-09-2023