Anti-Aging Cosmetics and Derma

From the perspective of aging mechanism, whether it is the influence of external harmful factors, such as free radical theory, DNA damage theory, mitochondrial damage theory, or endogenous changes caused by natural laws, such as telomerase theory, non-enzyme glycosylation theory , biological clock theory, hormonal change theory, in short, on the one hand, aging leads to changes in the body’s substances, on the other hand, it causes the body’s metabolic capacity to decrease, and the activity of related enzymes decreases or increases. The aging of the skin is accompanied by the aging of the body, and if it is exposed to the outside, its aging process is often advanced.
As we all know, aging is a natural process of body changes, an inviolable law, and irreversible. Skin aging is the same as body aging, once aging symptoms appear, it is often irreversible. So what people can do is to delay aging through certain techniques, modify the aging process, and even use surgery to correct or correct it. For this reason, anti-aging methods are often divided into three types: delaying aging, modifying skin blemishes, Reverse aging.
1. Delay aging
Anti-aging cosmetics mainly achieve the purpose of delaying aging by improving skin elasticity, fine wrinkles, and microcirculation.
Good skin care is especially important for delaying skin aging. There are three main links, namely cleansing, nourishing and protection.
2. Modify skin blemishes
Anti-aging cosmetics mainly achieve the purpose of modifying skin blemishes by covering uneven skin tone, fine lines, wrinkles and spots
3. Reverse Aging
Anti-aging cosmetics mainly use harmful means to achieve the purpose of changing large wrinkles, age spots or freckles, and loose clothes.
Structural changes caused by skin aging are often irreversible. If you want to correct the aging performance of the skin in a short period of time, you should use more harmful cosmetic methods, such as the application of chemical stripping agents, oral administration of peeling and non-stripping lasers, radio frequency (RF) , Injection of biological agonists for skin rejuvenation, prevention of dynamic wrinkles (such as injection of anesthetics, botulinum toxin), correction of static and anatomical wrinkles, slimming liposuction.

——”Skin Epiphysiology” Yinmao Dong, Laiji Ma, Chemical Industry Press

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Beauty machine (2)

Post time: Dec-23-2022